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Text File | 2001-08-17 | 41.2 KB | 1,692 lines |
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- if (oRule.selectorText == strSelector)
- break;
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- return oRule;
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- {
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- break;
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- break;
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- if ( strLink.substr(0, cIndex) == "telnet"
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- fUnprintable = true;
- break;
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- break;
- case 10:
- if (strLink.substr(0,cIndex) == "javascript")
- fUnprintable = true;
- break;
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- return fUnprintable;
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- {
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- {
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- break;
- case 39:
- ChangeDispPage(g_nDispPage+1);
- break;
- case 107:
- case 187:
- HandleZoom(-1);
- break;
- case 109:
- case 189:
- HandleZoom(1);
- break;
- case 35:
- HandleLastPage();
- break;
- case 36:
- HandleFirstPage();
- break;
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- }
- }
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- {
- window.showHelp("iexplore.chm::/print_preview.htm");
- }
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- g_fPreview = dialogArguments.__IE_PrintType == "Preview";
- if (UnprintableURL(dialogArguments.__IE_ContentDocumentUrl))
- {
- var L_Invalid_Text = "Unable to print URL. Please navigate directly to this page and select Print.";
- alert(L_Invalid_Text);
- window.close();
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- Printer.footer = dialogArguments.__IE_FooterString
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- OverflowContainer.style.height = document.body.clientHeight - idDivToolbar.offsetHeight;
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- else
- {
- PrintNow(dialogArguments.__IE_PrintType == "Prompt");
- }
- }
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- {
- ;
- window.document.body.style.cursor="auto";
- UpdateFramesetSelect();
- }
- function CalcDocsComplete()
- {
- ;
- if (g_nFramesetLayout == 2)
- {
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- {
- OverflowContainer.style.height = Math.max(0, document.body.clientHeight - idDivToolbar.offsetHeight);
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- PositionPages(g_nDispPage);
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- function HandleError(message, url, line)
- {
- var L_Internal_ErrorMessage = "There was an internal error, and Internet Explorer is unable to print this document.";
- alert(L_Internal_ErrorMessage);
- window.close();
- return true;
- }
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- {
- if (!g_aDocTree[strDoc])
- {
- HandleError("Document " + strDoc + " does not exist.", document.URL, "OnRectComplete");
- return;
- }
- window.setTimeout("OnRectCompleteNext('" + strDoc + "', " + event.contentOverflow + ",'" + event.srcElement.id + "');", 25);
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- {
- g_aDocTree[strDoc].RectComplete(fOverflow, strElement);
- }
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- {
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- buttonRaise(btn);
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- else
- {
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- buttonLower(btn);
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- {
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- buttonLower(btn);
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- {
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- disableButton(butBackPage, prev);
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- fZoomInDisabled = true;
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- fZoomOutDisabled = true;
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- {
- enableButton(butZoomOut, zoomOut);
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- {
- if ( g_aDocTree["C"]._fFrameset )
- {
- if (!g_strActiveFrame)
- {
- selectFrameset.options.remove(1);
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- {
- return g_aDocTree["C"].Page(1).offsetWidth;
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- function getPageHeight()
- {
- return g_aDocTree["C"].Page(1).offsetHeight;
- }
- function UndisplayPages()
- {
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- {
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- {
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- }
- }
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- {
- var strDispDoc = DisplayDocument(nDispPage);
- if ( g_aDocTree != null
- && g_aDocTree[strDispDoc] != null
- && g_aDocTree[strDispDoc].Pages() > 0)
- {
- UndisplayPages();
- var xPageWidth = getPageWidth();
- var yPageHeight = getPageHeight();
- var nMaxPage = TotalDisplayPages();
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- nDispPage = 1;
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- if (++xDisplaySlot > g_cxDisplaySlots)
- {
- xDisplaySlot = 1;
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- g_cPagesDisplayed++;
- }
- }
- }
- function ChangeDispPage(nDispPageNew)
- {
- if (isNaN(nDispPageNew))
- {
- inputPageNum.value = g_nDispPage;
- }
- else
- {
- if (nDispPageNew < 1)
- nDispPageNew = 1;
- else if (nDispPageNew > TotalDisplayPages())
- nDispPageNew = TotalDisplayPages();
- OverflowContainer.scrollTop = 0;
- PositionPages(nDispPageNew);
- }
- return g_nDispPage;
- }
- function DisplayDocument(nWhichPage)
- {
- switch (g_nFramesetLayout)
- {
- case 0:
- return "C";
- break;
- case 1:
- return g_strActiveFrame;
- break;
- case 2:
- var i;
- if (!nWhichPage)
- return null;
- ;
- for (i in g_aDocTree)
- {
- if ( nWhichPage >= g_aDocTree[i]._nStartingPage
- && nWhichPage < (g_aDocTree[i]._nStartingPage + g_aDocTree[i].Pages()))
- return i;
- }
- default:
- HandleError("Display document cannot be found!", document.URL, "DisplayDocument");
- }
- }
- function TotalDisplayPages()
- {
- if (g_nFramesetLayout == 2)
- return g_nTotalPages;
- return g_aDocTree[DisplayDocument()].Pages();
- }
- function DisplayPage(nWhichPage)
- {
- ;
- if (g_nFramesetLayout != 2)
- return g_aDocTree[DisplayDocument(nWhichPage)].Page(nWhichPage);
- return g_aDocTree[DisplayDocument(nWhichPage)].Page(nWhichPage - g_aDocTree[DisplayDocument(nWhichPage)]._nStartingPage + 1);
- }
- function ChangeZoom(nNewVal)
- {
- if (nNewVal < 10)
- nNewVal = 10;
- else if (nNewVal > 1000)
- nNewVal = 1000;
- else if (isNaN(nNewVal))
- nNewVal = g_nZoomFactor;
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- {
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- updateZoomButtons();
- PositionPages(g_nDispPage);
- }
- return g_nZoomFactor;
- }
- function BuildTableOfLinks( docSource )
- {
- var aLinks = docSource.links;
- var nLinks = aLinks.length;
- if (nLinks > 0)
- {
- var fDuplicate;
- var i;
- var j;
- var newHTM;
- var docLinkTable = document.createElement("BODY");
- var L_LINKSHEADER1_Text = "Shortcut Text";
- var L_LINKSHEADER2_Text = "Internet Address";
- newHTM += "<THEAD style=\"display:table-header-group\"><TR><TH>"
- + "</TH><TH>" + L_LINKSHEADER2_Text + "</TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY>";
- for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++)
- {
- fDuplicate = false;
- for (j = 0; (!fDuplicate) && (j < i); j++)
- {
- if (aLinks[i].href == aLinks[j].href)
- fDuplicate = true;
- }
- if (!fDuplicate)
- newHTM += ("<TR><TD>" + aLinks[i].innerText + "</TD><TD>" + aLinks[i].href + "</TD></TR>");
- }
- newHTM += "</TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>";
- docLinkTable.innerHTML = newHTM;
- return docLinkTable.document;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function CreateDocument( docURL, strDocID, fUseStreamHeader )
- {
- if (g_aDocTree[strDocID])
- return;
- g_aDocTree[strDocID] = new CPrintDoc( strDocID, docURL );
- g_aDocTree[strDocID].InitDocument( fUseStreamHeader );
- }
- function ChangeFramesetLayout( nNewLayout, fForce )
- {
- if ( g_nFramesetLayout == nNewLayout
- && !fForce)
- return;
- UndisplayPages();
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- switch ( nNewLayout )
- {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- g_nTotalPages = 0;
- for (i in g_aDocTree)
- {
- if ( g_aDocTree[i]._fFrameset
- || i == "S")
- g_aDocTree[i]._nStartingPage = 0;
- else
- {
- g_aDocTree[i]._nStartingPage = g_nTotalPages + 1;
- g_nTotalPages += g_aDocTree[i].Pages();
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- HandleError("Impossible frameset layout type: " + nNewLayout, document.URL, "ChangeFramesetLayout");
- }
- ChangeDispPage(1);
- }
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- {
- var i;
- var tmp;
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- var right = Printer.marginRight / 100;
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- var linktable = Printer.tableOfLinks;
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- var upBottom = Printer.unprintableBottom / 100;
- var header = Printer.header;
- var footer = Printer.footer;
- if (header)
- {
- tmp = upTop + (27 / 100);
- if (tmp > top)
- top = tmp;
- }
- if (footer)
- {
- tmp = upBottom + (27 / 100);
- if (tmp > bottom)
- bottom = tmp;
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- oRule = GetRuleFromSelector(".divHead");
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- {
- HandleError("'.divHead' rule does not exist!", document.URL, "CPrintDoc::EnsureDocuments");
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- }
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- {
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- if (oRule == null)
- {
- HandleError("'.divFoot' rule does not exist!", document.URL, "CPrintDoc::EnsureDocuments");
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- var conHeight = pageHeight - top - bottom;
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- var oRule;
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- conWidth = 0;
- if (conHeight < 0)
- conHeight = 0;
- UndisplayPages();
- g_nTotalPages = 0;
- g_nDocsToCalc = 0;
- for (i in g_aDocTree)
- {
- g_nDocsToCalc++;
- g_aDocTree[i].ResetDocument();
- }
- g_nMarginTop = top;
- g_nMarginBottom = bottom;
- g_nMarginLeft = left;
- g_nMarginRight = right;
- g_nPageWidth = pageWidth;
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- if (oRule == null)
- {
- HandleError("'.page' rule does not exist!", document.URL, "CPrintDoc::EnsureDocuments");
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- if (oRule == null)
- {
- HandleError("'.mRect' rule does not exist!", document.URL, "CPrintDoc::EnsureDocuments");
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- oRule = GetRuleFromSelector(".divHead");
- if (oRule == null)
- {
- HandleError("'.divHead' rule does not exist!", document.URL, "CPrintDoc::EnsureDocuments");
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- if (oRule == null)
- {
- HandleError("'.divHead' rule does not exist!", document.URL, "CPrintDoc::EnsureDocuments");
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- for (i in g_aDocTree)
- {
- g_aDocTree[i].InitDocument((g_aDocTree[i]._anMerge[1] == 1));
- }
- if (g_nFramesetLayout == 2)
- ChangeFramesetLayout(g_nFramesetLayout, true);
- PositionPages(g_nDispPage);
- }
- else if (linktable != g_fTableOfLinks)
- {
- g_fTableOfLinks = linktable;
- for (i in g_aDocTree)
- {
- g_aDocTree[i].ResetTableOfLinks();
- }
- }
- }
- function buttonRaise( elem )
- {
- elem.style.borderStyle = "outset";
- elem.style.borderColor = "threedhighlight";
- }
- function buttonLower( elem )
- {
- elem.style.borderStyle = "solid";
- elem.style.borderColor = "threedface";
- }
- function buttonDepress(elem)
- {
- elem.style.borderStyle = "inset";
- elem.style.borderColor = "threedshadow";
- }
- function buttonOver()
- {
- var imgSrc = event.srcElement;
- g_imgUnderMouse = imgSrc;
- if (imgSrc == begin ||
- imgSrc == prev ||
- imgSrc == next ||
- imgSrc == end)
- {
- updateNavButtons();
- }
- else if (imgSrc == zoomIn ||
- imgSrc == zoomOut)
- {
- updateZoomButtons();
- }
- else
- {
- imgSrc.src= "" + imgSrc.id + "_hilite.gif";
- buttonRaise( imgSrc.parentNode );
- }
- }
- function buttonOut()
- {
- var imgSrc = event.srcElement;
- g_imgUnderMouse = null;
- if (imgSrc == begin ||
- imgSrc == prev ||
- imgSrc == next ||
- imgSrc == end)
- {
- updateNavButtons();
- }
- else if (imgSrc == zoomIn ||
- imgSrc == zoomOut)
- {
- updateZoomButtons();
- }
- else
- {
- imgSrc.src= "" + imgSrc.id + ".gif";
- buttonLower( imgSrc.parentNode );
- }
- }
- function buttonDown()
- {
- buttonDepress(event.srcElement);
- }
- function HandlePageSelect()
- {
- event.srcElement.value = ChangeDispPage(parseInt(inputPageNum.value));
- MasterContainer.focus();
- }
- function HandlePageSetup()
- {
- if (Printer.showPageSetupDialog())
- EnsureDocuments();
- }
- function HandleForwardPage()
- {
- ChangeDispPage(g_nDispPage + 1);
- MasterContainer.focus();
- }
- function HandleBackPage()
- {
- ChangeDispPage(g_nDispPage - 1);
- MasterContainer.focus();
- }
- function HandleFirstPage()
- {
- ChangeDispPage(1);
- MasterContainer.focus();
- }
- function HandleLastPage()
- {
- ChangeDispPage(TotalDisplayPages());
- MasterContainer.focus();
- }
- function NumericFromSpecialZoom(fnBounder)
- {
- var iMaxNumericZoom = selectZoom.options.length-1-3;
- var iBelow = -1;
- var nBelow = 0;
- var iAbove = iMaxNumericZoom + 1;
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i <= iMaxNumericZoom; i++)
- {
- var nThisIndex = parseInt(selectZoom.options[i].value);
- if (nThisIndex >= g_nZoomFactor)
- {
- iBelow = i;
- nBelow = nThisIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (nBelow > g_nZoomFactor)
- {
- iAbove = iBelow + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- iAbove = iBelow;
- }
- return fnBounder(iBelow, iAbove);
- }
- function HandleZoom(nZoomIndexDelta)
- {
- var iCurrZoom = selectZoom.selectedIndex;
- var iMaxNumericZoom = selectZoom.options.length-1-3;
- if (iCurrZoom > iMaxNumericZoom)
- {
- var fnRemapBounder = null;
- if (nZoomIndexDelta == 1)
- {
- fnRemapBounder = Math.min;
- }
- else
- {
- fnRemapBounder = Math.max;
- }
- iCurrZoom = NumericFromSpecialZoom(fnRemapBounder);
- }
- selectZoom.selectedIndex = Math.min(Math.max(0, iCurrZoom + nZoomIndexDelta), iMaxNumericZoom);
- ChangeZoom(parseInt(selectZoom.options[selectZoom.selectedIndex].value));
- }
- function HandleDynamicZoom()
- {
- var nZoomType = parseInt(selectZoom.options[selectZoom.selectedIndex].value);
- if (nZoomType < 0)
- {
- var nZoomFactor = 100;
- var xPageWidth = getPageWidth();
- switch (nZoomType)
- {
- case -1:
- nZoomFactor = Math.floor(((OverflowContainer.offsetWidth - 20) * 100) / xPageWidth);
- break;
- case -2:
- var xZoom = Math.floor(((OverflowContainer.offsetWidth - 20) * 100) / xPageWidth);
- var yZoom = Math.floor(((OverflowContainer.offsetHeight - 20) * 100) / getPageHeight());
- nZoomFactor = Math.min(xZoom, yZoom);
- break;
- case -3:
- nZoomFactor = Math.floor(((OverflowContainer.offsetWidth - 30) * 100) / (2 * xPageWidth));
- break;
- default:
- nZoomFactor = 100;
- break;
- }
- ChangeZoom(nZoomFactor);
- }
- }
- function HandleZoomSelect()
- {
- var nZoomFactor = parseInt(selectZoom.options[selectZoom.selectedIndex].value);
- if (nZoomFactor < 0)
- {
- HandleDynamicZoom();
- }
- else
- {
- ChangeZoom(nZoomFactor);
- }
- }
- function HandleFramesetSelect()
- {
- ChangeFramesetLayout(parseInt(selectFrameset.options[selectFrameset.selectedIndex].value), false);
- }
- function HandleZoomInButton()
- {
- HandleZoom(-1);
- MasterContainer.focus();
- }
- function HandleZoomOutButton()
- {
- HandleZoom(1);
- MasterContainer.focus();
- }
- function HandleInputKeyPress()
- {
- var keyStroke = event.keyCode;
- if (keyStroke == 13)
- {
- event.srcElement.onchange();
- }
- else if (keyStroke < 48 || keyStroke > 57)
- {
- event.returnValue = false;
- }
- }
- function Close()
- {
- Printer.updatePageStatus(-1);
- if (g_fDelayClose)
- {
- g_fDelayClose = false;
- window.setTimeout("Close()", 120000);
- return;
- }
- window.close();
- }
- function PrintAll()
- {
- var i;
- var nFirstDoc;
- if ( g_nFramesLeft > 0
- && Printer.framesetDocument
- && !Printer.frameAsShown )
- {
- window.setTimeout("PrintAll()", 100);
- return;
- }
- EnsureDocuments();
- if (Printer.copies <= 0)
- {
- Close();
- }
- else if ( Printer.selectedPages
- && Printer.pageFrom > Printer.pageTo )
- {
- var L_PAGERANGE_ErrorMessage = "The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.";
- alert(L_PAGERANGE_ErrorMessage);
- ;
- if (!g_fPreview)
- PrintNow(true);
- }
- else
- {
- g_cLeftToPrint = 1;
- Printer.updatePageStatus(1);
- PrintSentinel(((Printer.selection)
- ? "S"
- : (Printer.frameActive && !!g_strActiveFrame)
- ? g_strActiveFrame
- : "C"),
- true);
- }
- }
- function PrintSentinel( strDoc, fRecursionOK )
- {
- if ( !g_aDocTree[strDoc]
- || !g_aDocTree[strDoc].ReadyToPrint() )
- {
- window.setTimeout("PrintSentinel('" + strDoc + "'," + fRecursionOK + ");", 500);
- return;
- }
- g_aDocTree[strDoc].Print(fRecursionOK);
- }
- function PrintDocumentComplete()
- {
- g_cLeftToPrint--;
- if (g_cLeftToPrint <= 0)
- {
- Close();
- }
- }
- function PrintNow( fWithPrompt)
- {
- if ( !g_aDocTree["C"]
- || !g_aDocTree["C"]._aaRect[1][0]
- || !g_aDocTree["C"]._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.body)
- {
- window.setTimeout("PrintNow('" + fWithPrompt + "');", 100);
- return;
- }
- var oDoc = g_aDocTree["C"]._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument;
- var fConfirmed;
- var fFramesetDocument = (oDoc.body.tagName.toUpperCase() == "FRAMESET");
- var fActiveFrame = (oDoc.all.tags("HTML").item(0).__IE_ActiveFrame != null);
- Printer.framesetDocument = fFramesetDocument;
- Printer.frameActiveEnabled = fActiveFrame;
- if (g_fPreview)
- {
- Printer.frameActive = (g_nFramesetLayout == 1);
- Printer.frameAsShown = (g_nFramesetLayout == 0);
- Printer.currentPageAvail = true;
- }
- else
- {
- Printer.frameActive = fActiveFrame;
- Printer.frameAsShown = false;
- Printer.currentPageAvail = false;
- }
- Printer.selectionEnabled = !!(dialogArguments.__IE_ContentSelectionUrl);
- Printer.selection = false;
- fConfirmed = (eval(fWithPrompt)) ? Printer.showPrintDialog() : Printer.ensurePrintDialogDefaults();
- if ( fConfirmed )
- {
- if ( Printer.selection
- && dialogArguments.__IE_ContentSelectionUrl )
- {
- CreateDocument(dialogArguments.__IE_ContentSelectionUrl, "S", true);
- }
- Printer.usePrinterCopyCollate = ( Printer.deviceSupports("copies") >= Printer.copies
- && ( !Printer.collate
- || Printer.deviceSupports("collate") ));
- PrintAll();
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !g_fPreview )
- {
- Close();
- }
- else
- {
- Printer.tableoflinks = false;
- }
- }
- }
- function HandlePrintClick()
- {
- PrintNow(true, true);
- }
- function CPrintDoc_ReadyToPrint()
- {
- if ( this._nStatus == 4
- && this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.readyState == "complete")
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function CPrintDoc_Print( fRecursionOK )
- {
- if (!this.ReadyToPrint())
- {
- HandleError("Printing when not ready!", document.URL, "CPrintDoc::Print");
- return;
- }
- var nCount = (Printer.usePrinterCopyCollate) ? 1 : Printer.copies;
- var nFrom;
- var nTo;
- ;
- if (fRecursionOK)
- {
- var fFrameset = (this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.body.tagName.toUpperCase() == "FRAMESET");
- if (Printer.frameActive)
- {
- var n = parseInt(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.all.tags("HTML").item(0).__IE_ActiveFrame);
- if (n >= 0)
- {
- var oTargetFrame = (fFrameset)
- ? this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.all.tags("FRAME").item(n)
- : this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.all.tags("IFRAME").item(n);
- if ( IsPersistedDoc()
- && ( oTargetFrame.src == "res://SHDOCLC.DLL/printnof.htm"
- || oTargetFrame.src == "about:blank" ))
- {
- Printer.printNonNativeFrames(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument, true);
- }
- else
- {
- this.CreateSubDocument(oTargetFrame.src, true);
- this.PrintAllSubDocuments(true);
- }
- PrintDocumentComplete();
- return;
- }
- }
- if (fFrameset)
- {
- if (!Printer.frameAsShown)
- {
- this.PrintAllSubDocuments(true);
- if (IsPersistedDoc())
- {
- Printer.printNonNativeFrames(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument, false);
- }
- PrintDocumentComplete();
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- Printer.printNonNativeFrames(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument, false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (Printer.allLinkedDocuments)
- {
- this.BuildAllLinkedDocuments();
- this.PrintAllSubDocuments(false);
- }
- }
- }
- if (Printer.printNonNative(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument) )
- {
- g_fDelayClose = !g_fPreview;
- PrintDocumentComplete();
- return;
- }
- if (Printer.selectedPages)
- {
- nFrom = Printer.pageFrom;
- nTo = Printer.pageTo;
- if (nFrom < 1)
- nFrom = 1;
- if (nTo > this.Pages())
- nTo = this.Pages();
- }
- else if ( Printer.currentPage
- && this._strDoc == DisplayDocument())
- {
- nFrom = (this.Pages() >= g_nDispPage) ? g_nDispPage : this.Pages();
- nTo = nFrom;
- }
- else
- {
- nFrom = 1;
- nTo = this.Pages();
- }
- if (nTo < nFrom)
- {
- PrintDocumentComplete();
- return;
- }
- ;
- ;
- ;
- if (Printer.startDoc(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.URL))
- {
- if (Printer.collate)
- {
- var fExtraPage = ( Printer.duplex
- && ((nFrom - nTo) % 2 == 0) );
- for (j = 0; j < nCount; j++)
- {
- for (i = nFrom; i <= nTo; i++)
- {
- Printer.printPage(this.Page(i).children[0]);
- }
- if (fExtraPage)
- Printer.printBlankPage();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var fDuplex = Printer.duplex;
- for (i = nFrom; i <= nTo; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < nCount; j++)
- {
- Printer.printPage(this.Page(i).children[0]);
- if (fDuplex)
- {
- if (i < nTo)
- Printer.printPage(this.Page(i+1));
- else
- Printer.printBlankPage();
- }
- }
- if (fDuplex)
- i++;
- }
- }
- Printer.stopDoc();
- }
- PrintDocumentComplete();
- }
- function CPrintDoc_RectComplete(fOverflow, strElement)
- {
- var nStatus = parseInt(strElement.substr(5,1));
- var nPage = parseInt(strElement.substr(strElement.lastIndexOf("p") + 1));
- ;
- ;
- if (nStatus > this._nStatus)
- return false;
- if (nPage != this._acPage[nStatus] - 1 + this._anMerge[nStatus])
- return false;
- if (nStatus != this._nStatus)
- {
- if (!fOverflow)
- return false;
- this.StopFixupHF();
- if (this._nStatus == 4)
- g_nDocsToCalc++;
- this._nStatus = nStatus;
- }
- if (fOverflow)
- {
- this.AddPage();
- }
- else
- {
- switch (this._nStatus)
- {
- case 0:
- this._nStatus = 1;
- this.AddFirstPage();
- this._aaRect[this._nStatus][0].contentSrc = this._strDocURL;
- break;
- case 1:
- this._nStatus = 2;
- this.AddTableOfLinks();
- break;
- case 2:
- this._nStatus = 3;
- if (this._strDoc == DisplayDocument())
- ChangeDispPage(g_nDispPage);
- this.FixupHF();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (this._strDoc == DisplayDocument())
- {
- spanPageTotal.innerText = this.Pages();
- updateNavButtons();
- }
- }
- function CPrintDoc_AddPage()
- {
- var newHTM = "";
- var aPage = this._aaPage[this._nStatus];
- var aRect = this._aaRect[this._nStatus];
- ;
- (this._acPage[this._nStatus])++;
- HeadFoot.URL = this.EnsureURL();
- HeadFoot.title = this.EnsureTitle();
- HeadFoot.pageTotal = this.Pages();
- HeadFoot.page = HeadFoot.pageTotal;
- if (this._acPage[this._nStatus] <= aPage.length)
- {
- var oPage = aPage[this._acPage[this._nStatus] - 1];
- oPage.children("header").innerHTML = HeadFoot.HtmlHead;
- oPage.children("footer").innerHTML = HeadFoot.HtmlFoot;
- }
- else
- {
- newHTM = "<DIV class=divPage><IE:DeviceRect media=\"print\" class=page id=mDiv" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p" + aPage.length + ">";
- newHTM += "<IE:LAYOUTRECT id=mRect" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p" + aRect.length;
- newHTM += " class=mRect nextRect=mRect" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p" + (aRect.length + 1);
- newHTM += " onlayoutcomplete=OnRectComplete('" + this._strDoc + "')";
- newHTM += " tabindex=-1 onbeforefocusenter='event.returnValue=false;' ";
- newHTM += " /><DIV class=divHead id=header>";
- newHTM += HeadFoot.HtmlHead;
- newHTM += "</DIV><DIV class=divFoot id=footer>";
- newHTM += HeadFoot.HtmlFoot;
- newHTM += " </DIV></IE:DeviceRect></DIV>";
- MasterContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", newHTM);
- aPage[aPage.length] = eval( "document.all.mDiv" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p" + aPage.length);
- aRect[aRect.length] = eval("document.all.mRect" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p" + aRect.length);
- }
- }
- function CPrintDoc_AddFirstPage()
- {
- this._acPage[this._nStatus] = 0;
- if (this._anMerge[this._nStatus] == 0)
- {
- this.AddPage();
- }
- else
- {
- var aRect = this._aaRect[this._nStatus];
- var oPage = this._aaPage[this._nStatus - 1][this._acPage[this._nStatus - 1] - 1];
- var oTop = this._aaRect[this._nStatus - 1][this._acPage[this._nStatus - 1] + this._anMerge[this._nStatus - 1] - 1];
- var nTop = oTop.offsetTop + oTop.scrollHeight;
- var nHeight = oTop.clientHeight - oTop.scrollHeight;
- ;
- ;
- if (aRect.length > 0)
- {
- var oNode = aRect[0];
- oNode.style.marginTop = nTop + "px";
- oNode.style.pixelHeight = nHeight;
- if (oNode.parentElement != oPage)
- oPage.insertBefore(oNode);
- }
- else
- {
- var newHTM;
- var oNode;
- newHTM = "<IE:LAYOUTRECT id=mRect" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p0";
- newHTM += " class=mRect nextRect=mRect" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p1";
- newHTM += " onlayoutcomplete=OnRectComplete('" + this._strDoc + "')";
- newHTM += " tabindex=-1 onbeforefocus='event.returnValue=false;' />";
- oPage.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", newHTM);
- oNode = eval("document.all.mRect" + this._nStatus + this._strDoc + "p0");
- aRect[0] = oNode;
- oNode.style.marginTop = nTop + "px";
- oNode.style.height = nHeight + "px";
- }
- }
- }
- function CPrintDoc_InitDocument( fUseStreamHeader )
- {
- var fReallyUseStreamHeader = (fUseStreamHeader && (dialogArguments.__IE_OutlookHeader != null));
- this._anMerge[1] = (fReallyUseStreamHeader) ? 1 : 0;
- this._nStatus = (fReallyUseStreamHeader) ? 0 : 1;
- this.AddFirstPage();
- this._aaRect[this._nStatus][0].contentSrc = (fReallyUseStreamHeader)
- ? dialogArguments.__IE_OutlookHeader
- : this._strDocURL;
- }
- function CPrintDoc_PrintAllSubDocuments( fRecursionOK )
- {
- if (!this._aDoc)
- return;
- var nDocs = this._aDoc.length;
- var i;
- g_cLeftToPrint += nDocs;
- for (i = 0; i < nDocs; i++)
- {
- PrintSentinel(this._aDoc[i]._strDoc, fRecursionOK);
- }
- }
- function CPrintDoc_BuildAllLinkedDocuments()
- {
- var strURL = this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.URL;
- var aLinks = this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.links;
- var nLinks = aLinks.length;
- var i;
- var j;
- var strLink;
- for (i = 0; i < nLinks; i++)
- {
- strLink = aLinks[i].href;
- if ( (strURL == strLink)
- || UnprintableURL(strLink) )
- continue;
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
- {
- if (strLink == aLinks[j].href)
- break;
- }
- if (j < i)
- continue;
- this.CreateSubDocument(strLink, false);
- }
- }
- function OnBuildAllFrames( strDoc )
- {
- if ( !g_aDocTree[strDoc]
- || !g_aDocTree[strDoc]._aaRect[1][0]
- || !g_aDocTree[strDoc]._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.body)
- {
- window.setTimeout("OnBuildAllFrames('" + strDoc + "');", 100);
- return;
- }
- g_aDocTree[strDoc].BuildAllFrames();
- }
- function IsPersistedDoc()
- {
- return (!!g_aDocTree["C"]._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.all.tags("HTML")[0].__IE_DisplayURL);
- }
- function CPrintDoc_BuildAllFrames()
- {
- var aFrames = this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.all.tags("FRAME");
- var nFrames = aFrames.length;
- var nActive = parseInt(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.all.tags("HTML").item(0).__IE_ActiveFrame);
- var i;
- var strSrc;
- var strDoc;
- if (nFrames > 0)
- this._fFrameset = true;
- for (i = 0; i < nFrames; i++)
- {
- strSrc = aFrames[i].src;
- if (strSrc == "res://SHDOCLC.DLL/printnof.htm")
- continue;
- strDoc = this.CreateSubDocument(strSrc, true);
- if (i == nActive)
- g_strActiveFrame = strDoc;
- g_nFramesLeft++;
- OnBuildAllFrames(strDoc);
- }
- g_nFramesLeft--;
- if (g_nFramesLeft <= 0)
- BuildAllFramesComplete();
- }
- function CPrintDoc_CreateSubDocument( docURL, fUseStreamHeader )
- {
- if (!this._aDoc)
- this._aDoc = new Array();
- var nDoc = this._aDoc.length;
- var strDoc = this._strDoc + "_" + nDoc;
- CreateDocument(docURL, strDoc, fUseStreamHeader);
- this._aDoc[nDoc] = g_aDocTree[strDoc];
- return (strDoc);
- }
- function CPrintDoc_AddTableOfLinks()
- {
- ;
- if (!g_fTableOfLinks)
- {
- this._nStatus = 3;
- ChangeDispPage(g_nDispPage);
- this.FixupHF();
- }
- else
- {
- var oTableOfLinks = BuildTableOfLinks(this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument);
- if (oTableOfLinks != null)
- {
- var oBody = oTableOfLinks.body;
- this.AddFirstPage()
- this._aaRect[this._nStatus][0].contentSrc = oBody.document;
- }
- else
- {
- this._nStatus = 3;
- ChangeDispPage(g_nDispPage);
- this.FixupHF();
- }
- }
- }
- function OnTickHF( strDoc )
- {
- if (!g_aDocTree[strDoc])
- {
- HandleError("Document " + strDoc + " does not exist.", document.URL, "OnRectComplete");
- return;
- }
- g_aDocTree[strDoc].TickHF();
- }
- function CPrintDoc_TickHF()
- {
- var i, j;
- var iTo, jTo;
- var aTok;
- var oTok;
- var nStartPage = this._nNextHF;
- var cPages = this.Pages();
- iTo = nStartPage + 2;
- if (iTo > cPages)
- iTo = cPages;
- for (i = nStartPage; i <= iTo; i++)
- {
- aTok = this.Page(i).children[0].getElementsByTagName("SPAN");
- for (j=0, jTo = aTok.length; j < jTo; j++)
- {
- oTok = aTok[j];
- if (oTok.className == "hfPageTotal")
- oTok.innerText = cPages;
- else if ( oTok.className == "hfUrl"
- && oTok.innerText == "" )
- oTok.innerText = this.EnsureURL();
- else if ( oTok.className == "hfTitle"
- && oTok.innerText == "" )
- oTok.innerText = this.EnsureTitle();
- }
- }
- this._nNextHF = i;
- if (iTo == cPages)
- {
- this._nStatus = 4;
- if (--g_nDocsToCalc == 0)
- CalcDocsComplete();
- }
- else
- {
- this._nTimerHF = window.setTimeout("OnTickHF('" + this._strDoc + "');", 250);
- }
- }
- function CPrintDoc_FixupHF()
- {
- ;
- this.TickHF();
- }
- function CPrintDoc_Pages()
- {
- var i;
- var c;
- for (i = 0, c = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- c += this._acPage[i];
- }
- return c;
- }
- function CPrintDoc_Page(nPage)
- {
- var i;
- var n = nPage;
- if (n <= 0)
- return null;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- if (n <= this._acPage[i])
- return this._aaPage[i][n - 1].parentElement;
- n -= this._acPage[i];
- }
- return null;
- }
- function CPrintDoc_EnsureURL()
- {
- if (this._strURL == null)
- {
- if ( this._aaRect[1][0]
- && this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument)
- {
- this._strURL = this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.URL;
- }
- if (this._strURL == null)
- return "";
- }
- return this._strURL;
- }
- function CPrintDoc_EnsureTitle()
- {
- if (this._strTitle == null)
- {
- if ( this._aaRect[1][0]
- && this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument)
- {
- this._strTitle = this._aaRect[1][0].contentDocument.title;
- }
- if (this._strTitle == null)
- return "";
- }
- return this._strTitle;
- }
- function CPrintDoc_ResetDocument()
- {
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- this._acPage[i] = 0;
- if (this._aaRect[i][0])
- this._aaRect[i][0].contentSrc = "";
- }
- this.StopFixupHF();
- }
- function CPrintDoc_ResetTableOfLinks()
- {
- if (this._nStatus <= 2)
- return;
- this.StopFixupHF();
- this._nStatus = 2;
- this.AddTableOfLinks();
- }
- function CPrintDoc_StopFixupHF()
- {
- if (this._nTimerHF != -1)
- window.clearTimeout(this._nTimerHF);
- this._nTimerHF = -1;
- this._nNextHF = 1;
- }
- function CPrintDoc( nDocNum, strDocURL )
- {
- var i;
- this._aDoc = null;
- this._strDoc = nDocNum;
- this._strDocURL = strDocURL;
- this._nStatus = 0;
- this._aaPage = new Array(3);
- this._aaRect = new Array(3);
- this._acPage = new Array(3);
- this._anMerge = new Array(3);
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- this._aaPage[i] = new Array();
- this._aaRect[i] = new Array();
- this._acPage[i] = 0;
- this._anMerge[i] = 0;
- }
- this._nNextHF = 1;
- this._nTimerHF = -1;
- this._strURL = null;
- this._strTitle = null;
- this._fFrameset = false;
- this._nStartingPage = 0;
- }
- CPrintDoc.prototype.RectComplete = CPrintDoc_RectComplete;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.AddPage = CPrintDoc_AddPage;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.AddFirstPage = CPrintDoc_AddFirstPage;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.AddTableOfLinks = CPrintDoc_AddTableOfLinks;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.FixupHF = CPrintDoc_FixupHF;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.StopFixupHF = CPrintDoc_StopFixupHF;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.TickHF = CPrintDoc_TickHF;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.InitDocument = CPrintDoc_InitDocument;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.ResetDocument = CPrintDoc_ResetDocument;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.ResetTableOfLinks = CPrintDoc_ResetTableOfLinks;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.BuildAllLinkedDocuments = CPrintDoc_BuildAllLinkedDocuments;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.BuildAllFrames = CPrintDoc_BuildAllFrames;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.CreateSubDocument = CPrintDoc_CreateSubDocument;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.Print = CPrintDoc_Print;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.PrintAllSubDocuments = CPrintDoc_PrintAllSubDocuments;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.ReadyToPrint = CPrintDoc_ReadyToPrint;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.Page = CPrintDoc_Page;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.Pages = CPrintDoc_Pages;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.EnsureURL = CPrintDoc_EnsureURL;
- CPrintDoc.prototype.EnsureTitle = CPrintDoc_EnsureTitle;
- </HEAD>
- <BODY onload="setTimeout('OnLoadBody()', 400);">
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